Programming Q4 – C2
I have uploaded the programming for the second 4 week cycle of the final quarter. Here is the
I have uploaded the programming for the second 4 week cycle of the final quarter. Here is the
I have uploaded the programming for the 12 weeks cycle we started last week and the remainder of this 4 week cycle. There are a few things you should be aware of on this 4 week cycle: We have changed the position of the Mad Dawg Total from the first […]
I recently posted this great article on the MDSoF FB page by Dr. Kathy Dooley regarding gluteus maximus and the knee. As you read in the article, there is a great description about the mechanics of a very common movement issue, “corkscrewing” of the knee, but not what you can […]
I would say about half, or more, of our athletes have had some sort of major accident or operation in their life. I often learn about these issues during our initial Get Started session. However, sometimes I don’t learn about them until after they have been training for a while. […]
This last Saturday, Susan and I drove to Santa Maria to visit her aging aunt and uncle. It’s about 4 hours away, depending on traffic. Her cousin brought a couple of old photo albums, yes, the kind with actual, hard copy, pictures, and we looked at some old, old photos […]
Rocking is an exercise I learned at the recent Original Strength workshop that Wes and I attended in late September. There are a number of reasons that we use it, but the primary reason is that it helps an athlete become aware of what muscles she/he has to work to […]
I have added the Q3 overview and the Q3 – C1 detailed programming. Here are some notes: Glute Ham raise looks like this, except that we will use bands to assist and we won’t have the hip flexion at the end. We’ve added some more longer workouts in particular more […]
Yesterday, you may have have noticed Darrin, a level 3 NKT practitioner and a Certified Massage Therapist working on some of our athletes upstairs. Many of the athletes got a cue to breathe through their nose. While this nasal breathing may be new to some of you, this kind of […]
I have added the programming for Quarter 2 Cycle 3, which is a speed and cardio cycle. If you want to see the overview again, check here. Here are some notes: We have several progressions listed, Handstand Push-Up (HSPU), Plyometric Push-up (Plyo), Muscle-Up. These progressions are posted at the gym […]
Not resisting is opening up your heart to the suffering and pain and letting it envelope you. This is a great, and a little long, read about a very long run. “It didn’t seem to be working, but in the meantime I was holding the bladders and Darcy stirred the […]