
Focus: Stay Focused 5

If you have been to gym lately you know each day we have a focus. In addition, as many of you know, we are starting a nutrition challenge this week, well, really, yesterday (but, it’s not too late for you to join). In the beginning of the year, we do […]

Mobility Class – Time Change? 1

Though Joan has moved to Washington State (sob! sob!), we plan to continue our Mobility Class at MDSF. We are looking to you for your feedback on the time(s)/day(s) that work best. What time(s) would you like to work on your mobility? Tuesdays, 6pm Tuesdays, 7pm Wednesdays, 7pm Thursdays, 7pm […]

Weight Lost 5

I know of trainers who “don’t do” weight loss. There have been times that I have thought, MDSoF isn’t going to do “weight loss” any more. OK, sure, we often re-phrase it to “fat loss” but the reality is for many people, losing weight whether fat or muscle is the […]