Thanks to all of you following my massage school progress on this website and through FB. It really helps to feel supported starting something new, as I am sure you know. Massage school has been a very enlightening experience in many ways. First of all, it’s right on 16th and Valencia in the heart of the Mission and I ride BART there so that has been educational in addition to what I learn in class. The instructors are very knowledgeable and professional. They all have their own practices, so I feel like I am getting the “Real Deal.”
First, a quick overview. The first 125 hours of massage school are about learning how to touch people, about 5 – 7 Swedish massage strokes and good body mechanics (about 75% of bodyworkers have to change fields after 4 years because of repetitive stress injuries), draping the sheet/privacy/professionalism, some basic anatomy and physiology and mostly learning what can be considered a “canned routine.” The main function is to get everyone on the same level as there is quite a difference in language, bodywork and educational skills.
This next 125 hours, module 2, we are going to start getting more in-depth with the anatomy, physiology, kinesiology and learn how to go deeper in the tissue. At the end of this module, I will have 250 hours of class and clinic time (about 40+ hours) and will be a Certified Massage Practitioner (CMP). This certification will allow me to legally touch people within the context of massage. I hope to be done with this part of my education by the end of the year. The next level is Certified Massage Technician (CMT) which is another 250 hours. I will probably do that but over the next few years.
As I said, I will be doing clinic hours at the San Francisco School of Massage. My hours are below:
Friday, 8/8 — 12:30 – 4:30
Friday, 8/15 — 12:30 – 4:30
Sunday, 9/14 — 10:00 – 2:00
Friday, 9/19 — 12:30 – 4:30
If you want to book me, I am pretty sure you can request me. Check here for more info. The rates are $30 until July 31 (that’s today) and then $35 starting on August 1. I will be adding more clinic hours in October, November and December.
I am also going to start taking Tuesday afternoons off to focus on studying and giving a few massages so please email me if you want to set something up. If Tuesdays don’t work, email me and I may have some additional time. The massages I am trained to do are relaxation so I will do those outside of the gym. If you want a more functional or sports massage, I could possibly do them at the gym. My student insurance does not allow me to take money for these massages.
Thanks again for your support, it really helps.