Tough Mudder — 8 weeks to go

We have 8 weeks to go! This weekend you should plan on a run/hike that is 85 min if you have been coming to the gym at least 2 times a week on a regular basis or 60 min if you have been at the gym irregularly. Next week, the long run/hike should be about 100 min or 65 min. Include hills if at all possible.

To make it a little easier on you, we are planning a hike on the Rhus Ridge/Black Mountain trail location: and review this Saturday, July 28, at 9 AM. Please meet us in the Foothill College parking lot near the fire station at 9 AM and we will either carpool or just walk up to the trailhead.

A quick note about the selected teams, the reason I chose for people to be in groups of 3 – 6 is because there are a lot of people on course and it is way easier to keep track of your teammates if there are less of them. The groups were not really created based on speed because speed doesn’t matter because you will staying with your group all day. That doesn’t mean that you can’t run with your friends and have one big group, it just means that you have to have at least a couple of people doing a head count after 21 obstacles. If you are OK with that I am too. Remember that this event is a team event and you will be staying with your teammates the entire day, whatever way you can figure out to have fun and stay with your stay together with your group, is the best way to travel.

Finally, there are two events coming up that you should be aware of:

1) Sat. and Sun., Aug 4 and 5, Altitude Camp/Carr Lake preview. Jason, Peter and I are going up to the site of our Altitude Camp at Carr Lake and previewing the running course on mountain bikes. You are welcome to come with and either hike or mountain bike or just hang out at Carr lake and have quiet time. We will leave early-ish on Saturday and ride the trail on Saturday afternoon. Sunday we will head up to Northstar check out the Tough Mudder course and maybe do a little more riding at Northstar. Please ask Saul for more details in you are interested in coming with.

2) Sat. and Sun., Aug 25 & 26, TM Altitude camp at Carr Lake/Emigrant Gap. We will leave on Friday eve. and return Sunday eve. The purpose of this camp is to get used to altitude and do some final experimentation with our gear. We will be camping near the cars but not right next to them like at a KOA. Bathrooms are close but, again, not super close. The hike/run will be about 9 – 11 miles and should take about 3 hours. There can be side trips to swimming lakes if necessary. There will be a fast group and a slow group so everyone is invited. This is going to be super fun. Sunday, we will continue up to Northstar and check out the Tough Mudder course, maybe so some hiking/running then head home. Let me know if you have any questions. Some more information about the area.