A Little NorCal Qualifier WOD for your Monday Morning

Rick and Luis deeply contemplating if they should turn the WOD into a 2 round version.

Morning WOD Monday, June 29
5-5-5 Back Squat

For time:
500m Row
30 Burpees
10 Should to Overhead (165#)

Watch Chris Spealler tackle this one … [wmv] [mov]
post time and loads to comments ….oh and maybe some favorite Hero Workouts for Friday’s tribute to the 4th.

Thank you CrossFit New England, in addition to, Chris S. and Dylan for making us aware of this article that makes the general public more aware of what CrossFitters (and many other trainers) have known for years.

Can You Get Fit in Six Minutes a Week?

A few years ago, researchers at the National Institute of Health and Nutrition in Japan put rats through a series of swim tests with surprising results. They had one group of rodents paddle in a small pool for six hours, this long workout broken into two sessions of three hours each. A second group of rats were made to stroke furiously through short, intense bouts of swimming, while carrying ballast to increase their workload. After 20 seconds, the weighted rats were scooped out of the water and allowed to rest for 10 seconds, before being placed back in the pool for another 20 seconds of exertion. The scientists had the rats repeat these brief, strenuous swims 14 times, for a total of about four-and-a-half minutes of swimming. Afterward, the researchers tested each rat’s muscle fibers and found that, as expected, the rats that had gone for the six-hour swim showed preliminary molecular changes that would increase endurance. But the second rodent group, which exercised for less than five minutes also showed the same molecular changes…..read more