Whole30 Question 1

I know that it looks we have a pretty casual schedule but one of the things that keeps us busy is answering email. This is one from a person who moved away and now works out on her own.

So I’m almost done with the Whole30 and I think the biggest improvement has been in my sleep. I can sleep through chaos right now. That part is awesome!

Not so awesome is that all my numbers in the gym have dropped. Three weeks into the Whole30 I started the 5/3/1 program. Oh boy. The first day was DL and lifting 185# was problematic (the week before my PR was 235#). Four days later and I’m still super sore. Basically since starting Whole30, I’ve felt super weak all the time and just the thought of doing a 5 minute WOD exhausts me.

I read around that some people experience this for the first 2 weeks of going Paleo but afterwards their energy levels soar and their performance improves. And that was of course the chief reason I went strict Paleo. šŸ™

How are your energy levels? How were your workouts while doing Paleo?

Thanks for any guidance!

Signed Confused and Achy

Here is one thing we came up with, how much are you eating? I know you aren’t supposed to measure on the Whole30 but do you have a rough idea?

Susan weighs about 135 that means she should and does eat around 135g protein per day or about 19 oz meat/day. I weigh about 170 right now, that is 24 oz of meat per day. When we eat a meal Susan has just a little bit less than I do which is about right (24 – 19 = 5 oz split between 3 meals which about 2 oz or about “half a palm” of meat). Most meals we eat at home are about 1 lb of meat split between us. She can eat more too if it is there. We tend not too eat much fat but it isn’t uncommon to eat an avocado each at one meal of the day. About 2 or 3 days per week, we split at sweet potato with breakfast. Are you eating that much?

We workout about 2 times a week on average. I am just healing from a back injury so the most I lift now is 60 – 70% of my 1 RMs. Virtually no cardio.

Also have you read the article by Scotty Hagnas in the March Performance Menu? Here is what Scotty said in the summary:

“I first experimented by reducing my protein and fat a bit, and upping my carbs. Total calories were still the same, a pathetically low average of fewer than 2000 calories per day. (How do I know? Because I track all of this crap daily. Want to know what I had as my second snack on June 21st, 2003? I could tell you.) My first result was better body composition, particularly in the abdominal region. Daily energy was noticeably better, and my sleep improved. General vigor and libido was up. I then did the temperature tracking and found my temperature very low (less than 95 degrees sometimes) and very erratic. After talking to Dr. G. (Garrett Smith), I took a month off from training and ate a minimum of 3000 calories daily for the month. I quickly laid down some body fat, mostly in the abdominal region. At the same time, my triceps, pecs and legs leaned out. This would be consistent with higher testosterone and reduced estrogen. After two weeks, the fat gain stopped, and by the end of the month I was leaning back out – still not training and still ā€œovereatingā€. My energy is now better than it has been in years, I have no need for coffee (which has always been a problem for me), and letā€™s just say that my wife is very happy. I am consuming between 200 and 250 grams of carbs daily.”

saul and susan

So I’ve been eating a palm sized serving of protein about 3 times a day. On the days I work out heavy (2) I have been following the Whole30 guidelines for pre and post workout meals. I don’t know if that’s the right amount of protein for me. It feels like it is… sometimes I don’t even feel like eating all of it. On the rest days, odds are I’m not having snacks because I’m not hungry.

Before I mentioned the DL and I realize I may have confused things (see? it’s the foggy brain)… My max before Whole30 was 235# (tested 03/18/11). I started the Whole30 on 3/21/11 (a day before my bday because I’m psycho like that). On 4/11/11, I started a 5/3/1 program. The first day was DL; last set at 185# should have been cake except that it wasn’t. Mega sore the following days. Foam rolling and gentle yoga were all that I could stand. Either my hamstrings are getting huge or something is amiss.

After reading Scotty’s article and what you do, I think I’ll up my carb intake a little bit especially after heavy workouts. During the first 3 weeks of Whole30 I only did the CF Games WODs (maybe twice a week each – appalling numbers by the way) and some yoga. Not a lot of exercise per any measure but I was feeling very low energy. On week 4, I started the 5/3/1 program and really noticed the extreme weakness and horrendous DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Sorness). It might very well be that the demands of a heavy lifting program need to be balanced with a bit more carbs. It’s strange that I’m not getting cravings for sugar or heavy carbs even when feeling weak though.

Since I’m allergic to counting anything in the kitchen, I’ll start with Ā½ cup of squash, pumpkin or sweet potato after heavy workouts along with protein. Does that sound reasonable? On the same note I’ll pay attention to the packages from now on to see how much protein I’m consuming daily.

I’m also lowering my fat intake becauseā€¦ TMIā€¦ I know but only the brave dare say these things… šŸ™‚

My next lifting day is Monday so I’ll put my plan in practice then. Thoughts are welcome in the meantime.

Signed Confused and Achy

Susan and I are trying to put together a few things here.

Time line:
3/18 – DL 235# (1 RM – GOOD JOB!))
3/21 – Started Whole30
3/21 – CF Games WOD #1 – 15 x PSn (55#) and DUs
3/28 – CF Games WOD #2 – 9 x DL (100#), 12 x Push-ups, 15 x Box jumps
4/4 – CF Games WOD #3 – C&J (110#)
4/11 – Started 5/3/1 DL (5×88# , 5×110# , 3×130# , 5×145# , 5×165# , 5(?)x185#)

“Mega sore” means sore in your back, arms, legs but not lower back?

Issue 1 – Total load of exercise – Whenever you are sore, look first at the eccentric component of the lifts that you’ve been doing. The load and volume of 4/11 is significantly different from 4 weeks before. Compare these (I am not sure of your WOD numbers so I guessed) :
CFGames WOD #1 – 4 rds = 4 rds x 15 reps x 55# = 3300
CFGames WOD #2 – 6 rds = 6 rds x 9 reps x 100# = 5400
CFGames WOD #3 – 10 rds = 10 reps x 110 = 1100 (probably little lowering)
5/3/1 week 1 – DL (110×5 = 550) + (130×3 = 390) + (145×5 = 435) + (165×5 = 825) + (185×5 = 925) = 3415 (but look at the load that you are lowering)

Usually you don’t add in the warm-up sets but in this case I thought it was appropriate since those weights were close to what you were working out with.

Suggestions: use a spreadsheet that totals your load per workout. Reduce weight and/or reps to reduce soreness.

Issue 2 – Total calories – I know you shouldn’t measure with the Whole30 but since something is obviously not right, I would measure at least a few meals or at the very least, I would eat A LOT more. And I wouldn’t worry about your body weight, it isn’t going to be useful with the kind of exercise you are doing. Either take measurements or by feel of your clothes or your performance. I am sending two pictures from our breakfast so you can at least get a feeling where a good place to start is (there is also 2 pieces of bacon under the meat and spinach).

1/2 a cup of sweet potato (25g carbs) is probably not going to be enough. Increase to 1 cup and go up from there, especially post workout. Remember, subtract fiber from the total carbs.

Also remember that the Whole30 says if you need more, eat more.

I think that is it for now. Let us know how it goes.

good luck!

saul and susan

I had my first cup of sweet potato after the workout today and felt 100% better. I’m also increasing my protein because I started doing calculations and I wasn’t eating enough… as you correctly guessed. šŸ™‚

So on the days of heavy lifting I’m eating more carbs and the other days I’ll be more conservative. Thursday is deadlift day so I’ll let you know how this works with it.Ā 

Signed Confused and Achy

One thought on “Whole30 Question

  • susan

    So, now that you’re posting so much, Saul… people can’t keep up with all the reading there is to do!

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