Fast Food – You Can Do It! 6

MDTV6 – FastFood

Eating appropriately and quickly is a skill that needs to be trained and practiced in the same way that we train and practice moving correctly and quickly. I created this quick video because it seems that breakfast can be a major stumbling block for people new to eating Paleo. Scrambled eggs are to Paleo eating as overhead squats are to snatching your body weight. Start here, get good at them and work your way up. As in learning to snatch, keep the timing to a minimum at first.

As you probably already know, we are having a Whole9 Foundations of Nutrition workshop. Check out the guest post on Robb Wolf’s blog by Dallas from Whole 9 if you want to find out a little more about what will be covered at the workshop.

As Khalid recently pointed out, it’s fine to say what you can’t eat, it is also important to know what you CAN eat. Whole9 has a great feature on their blog called Steal This Meal. I have yet to try this breakfast but it looks great! And this is just one of many. Make a big batch on Sunday and re-heat the leftovers on Monday morning to get the week off to good start.

The beef, sausage, apple, yams breakfast hash from Amy at Performance Cooking is one that I have cooked on the weekend and ate for the week and it is ROCKIN!

Send in your favorite fast food breakfast, I will cook it and post the video.

You can do it!

6 thoughts on “Fast Food – You Can Do It!

  • krisz

    Hahah, you guys crack me up! Love that you don’t slick up these videos, they’re just notes on trying to live healthier, warts and all, the way we all will do it.

    So, egg breakfasts, huh? Here’s a couple from me. I posted the first one before, but it’s worth repeating:

    Favorite breakfast: (pretty fast, and incredibly delicious)

    1. If you don’t have bacon made already, dice up 2-3 strips (frozen is fine) and start rendering it in a pan over medium heat

    2. Scramble 3 eggs in a bowl

    3. When the bacon is almost done, drain most of the bacon fat off (save it for something else!)

    4. Put in about a tablespoon of butter and let it heat up and finish crisping the bacon. If you had cooked bacon on hand, start here: break it up in a pan and saute with butter until hot.

    5. Pour eggs over, salt and pepper to taste, and finish cooking (I do it french omelette-style).

    6. While the eggs are finishing, slice up a ripe peach in a bowl, and pour heavy cream over to your satisfaction (I like about 1/3 cup)

    7. Enjoy! Really takes less than ten minutes from start to finish including cleanup.

    The Whole9 people are anti-bacon, I think, but like with any other meat I think it is as good as the source – ideally local and pasture-raised.

    An *incredibly* easy one, especially for toting to work, is just hard-boiled eggs. Super-portable, easy to make a ton ahead of time. Bring along some bacon, or avocado, or a handful of nuts (I like macadamia) and a piece of fruit or a leftover vegetable and you’re set.

    And finally, advanced studies – learn to stop thinking of certain foods as “breakfast food” or “non-breakfast food!” It all digests the same any time of day, and when you’ve got your body functioning right on a good diet (i.e. not suffering from hormonal derangement or indigestion or whatever else plagues you, eating wise) you will find you enjoy it the same. Sub out eggs for some kind of grilled meat, or a 1/4 rotisserie chicken. Make a casserole and scoop out your breakfast for the microwave each morning. (I’m super-partial to this Shrimp & Squash casserole from MDA). There are endless ways to skin this problem once you realize that the answer to the question “What can I eat for breakfast doing paleo?” is “whatever I have a taste for!”

  • saulj

    I got the nutiva at Azure standard. I am getting ready to make another order, so let me know if you want to make a bulk order. I think it has to be over $250 to get free shipping.

    I will try to make these recipes this weekend, they sounds really good.

    Thanks for the links Chris!

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