Shopper Overboard!

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Focus: Interval

2 rounds of 10 reps:
Run 400 M
CrossFit Warm-up [“Official” CrossFit Warm-up]

Skill/Specific Warm-Up:
Review exercises for Shopper Overboard.


Shopper Overboard
400 M Shopping cart push
Other exercises used include:
Push press
Wall ball
KB swing
5 x sprawls/5 x sit-ups
5 x jumping dips/5 x jumping pull-ups

There were a number of different variations on this but the basics are as follows: While a person pushes the shopping cart, with weight in it, 400 M, all the other athletes are trying to get as many reps as possible with the other exercises. After the athlete finishes with the shopping cart, all athletes rotate until everyone does all the exercises.