Miracle Mile

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Focus: Cardio

Run 400 M
Dynamic warm-up
Seated partner overhead and chest pass with med ball

WOD: Miracle Mile
With partners:
Partner carry 100 yds. total
Wheelbarrow 60 yds. total

Then 2 rounds, still with partners, of the following:
Overhead Med. ball throw 100 yds.
Run 100 yds.
Broad jump 100 yds.
Run 100 yds.
Lunge 100 yds.
Run 100 yds.
Bear crawl 100 yds.
Run 100 yds.

Total: 1760 yds. or one mile

Since this is a partner workout, only one of the partners is working at a time. For instance, only one partner is lunging at a time when completing the 100 yds of lunges.