Recovery: MDF TV Episode 5 – Paleo Quickie 6

MDF TV 5 20101025 001 from saul jimenez.

OK, the video is a little rough but it was more important to get the information out than get it perfect. We are starting a quick Paleo Challenge on Monday, Nov. 1. The purpose of the challenge is to lay down the dietary train tracks through the holidays. I don’t think people get fat over the holidays from a few parties, they get fat because after the parties, when their hormones are jacked from reduced sleep, stress, overeating, sweets and drinking, they don’t have a habit that gets them back on the hormonal train tracks to Happyville. Let’s get proactive, here’s a few helpful hints to get started:

  1. Confused as to what the Paleo Diet is and how succeed? Read Robb Wolf’s book, The Paleo Solution. Don’t have time? Following the 80/20 rule, actually more like 99.5/.5 in this case, Robb summarized his book in two pages.
  2. Now that we have the easy stuff out of the way, what’s next… Build yourself a matrix like I showed in the video, 5 columns, 5 rows. You get to choose your favorites, how awesome is that!
  3. It’s Thursday, plan to shop this weekend for your favorites in the matrix.
  4. Final suggestion. Think simple. Think precooked rotisserie chicken from the market and a bag of salad. Think Crock Pot. Think leftovers. Be prepared and cook fast.

I know this is cryptic but there will be more later. Until then, here is my favorite, fast dinner or lunch:
1 can of salmon, 1 avocado and salsa. Please add yours to the comments.

Oh yeah, one last thing. If you are new to the Paleo Diet, there are at least 20 people, spread in classes throughout the day, who will be delighted to give you their favorite recipes, just ask and I will bet you will get more good recipes in 5 minutes than you can cook all week.

6 thoughts on “Recovery: MDF TV Episode 5 – Paleo Quickie

  • Kris

    Favorite breakfast: (pretty fast, and incredibly delicious)

    1. If you don’t have bacon made already, dice up 2-3 strips (frozen is fine) and start rendering it in a pan over medium heat

    2. Scramble 3 eggs in a bowl

    3. When the bacon is almost done, drain most of the bacon fat off (save it for something else!)

    4. Put in about a tablespoon of butter and let it heat up and finish crisping the bacon. If you had cooked bacon on hand, start here: break it up in a pan and saute with butter until hot.

    5. Pour eggs over, salt and pepper to taste, and finish cooking (I do it french omelette-style).

    6. While the eggs are finishing, slice up a ripe peach in a bowl, and pour heavy cream over to your satisfaction (I like about 1/3 cup)

    7. Enjoy! Really takes less than ten minutes from start to finish including cleanup.

  • Laurie

    Hi everyone, Ive been doing paleo since Oct 10th..Its not always been easy but Im still “paleo” except my cream in my coffee. Id be happy to share so please ask me if you have any questions.
    Heres an easy crock pot recipe…
    (you can add as much as you like depending on the size of your crock pot)
    *Tomatoes, onions and peppers cut up and placed on the bottom of the crock pot
    *in a bowl mix chili powder, garlic powder, cuminin, tumeric, pepper, parsley and any other spices you enjoy and rub it over a piece of pork tenderloin
    *place the pork on top of the veggies and cook on low for 8 hours..
    *When done the pork should fall apart at which time you could add some taco seasoning (be careful though most taco seasonings have sugar)
    *Take the shredded pork and veggies and put them in a lettuce wrap with a little hot sauce…
    Good luck everyone..

  • Susan

    Love the Mad Dawg TV!
    Good stuff!
    Thanks for the recipes, Chris and Laurie – I love cooking in the crock pot – throw everything in and voila! in a few hours – some tasty food!
    BTW the curry that Saul was showing in the video is Thai Kitchen brand – and it’s gluten free.

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