6 thoughts on “MDSF Stretching At Home Cheat Sheet

  • Tim

    This looks great. Where does foam rolling fit in, though? Let’s say I have 15-20 minutes in the morning to work on stretching/rolling/whatever.

  • joan

    5 minute roll on problem areas .. for me that would be legs between hips and knees mostly quads and IT bands. then follow stretch priority .. hip flexors, Hammies, frog .. unless you are really unusual and really flexible in ALL those areas .. I would like to see that! On days you are stiff in other areas roll and stretch there. Super simple

  • joan

    Hey I also wanted to give a huge THANK YOU to Saul and Susan for supporting this stretching class and all the folks who show up or at least ask about stretching they can do. You all make it fun, have brouhgt some great ideas, and are always willing to try something new. Stretching sucks and it is WAY WAY WAY more difficult to improve your flexibility than your strength. Together we can stick with it, make progress, and in turn improve our fitness.

  • susan

    Stretching class w/ Joan tonight at 6pm (Thurs April 28) @ MDSF. As Saul says: ‘Be there, or be somewhere else.’ – I love that guy.

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