Black Jack!

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Check out those triceps on Randy!

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Mike and David working through Black Jack.

During the DB warm-up, Randy did such a great job demonstrating the DB clean, I had to make a movie of it (OK, he could pull a little longer with straight arms but still very good demo). [10.2 MB AVI]
Focus: Cardio

Row 500 M
10 x kipping swings
10 x squats
Row 400 M
10 x kipping swings
10 x lunges
Row 300 M
10 x kipping swings
10 x wall balls
Row 200 M
10 x kipping swings
10 x DB Warm-up (DB deadlift, DB squat/clean, DB push press, push-up)
Row 100 M

Skill/Specific Warm-Up: N/A

WOD: Black Jack!
20 x push-ups, 1 x sit-up
19 x push-ups, 2 x sit-ups
18 x push-ups, 3 x sit-ups

2 x push-ups, 19 x sit-ups
1 x push-ups, 20 x sit-ups